2015-2016 Catalog

Institutional Philosophy

Strayer University aspires to provide a positive teaching and learning environment, and to offer high quality and relevant academic programs to its students so that they may succeed personally and professionally, and so that they acquire an appetite for lifelong learning.

The validity of this philosophy has been substantiated through the success of Strayer University graduates and the prestige enjoyed by the institution over the years. While the University envisions that its fundamental purpose will remain the same, the dynamic nature of education and its global environment requires constant review of short and long-term goals and objectives and progress toward achieving those goals. Strayer University is committed to continuous improvement through rigorous periodic evaluation of progress toward achieving its mission and goals.

Strayer University offers academic programs in areas in which it has academic expertise and for which significant student demand exists.

Strayer University is focused on providing the highest quality instruction to its students. As a teaching university, Strayer University’s faculty are not required to do research but are instead encouraged to focus on classroom learning and student support. Strayer University is an advocate for public service and encourages its graduates to use their degrees to make a difference in the world community. Strayer University’s most recent Carnegie Basic Classification is Master’s L: Master’s Colleges and Universities (larger programs).

Strayer University believes that the combination of a motivated student body and a caring, dedicated faculty is as important to academic and professional success as prior student preparation and standardized test scores. Accordingly, the University admits students who possess and demonstrate a desire to learn, and employs faculty who possess and demonstrate an ability to teach.

Strayer University aspires to provide a positive teaching and learning environment. It seeks to develop its students personally and professionally and strives to build a solid educational foundation conducive to continued growth and lifelong success.

The validity of this philosophy has been substantiated through the success of Strayer University graduates and the prestige enjoyed by the institution over the years. This mission underlies all the major changes the University has experienced in recent years as well as its plans for the future, including the updating of curricula and the establishment of new campuses. While the University envisions that its fundamental purpose will remain the same, Strayer University recognizes that the dynamic nature of the University requires constant review of short and long-term objectives.