Academic Integrity Policy
Strayer University holds its students and employees to high standards of academic excellence and views academic integrity as the essential foundation of that excellence. Consequently, acts of academic falsification, misrepresentation, or deception constitute academic failure and merit the full consequences of such failure, up to and including immediate suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation. Acts of intellectual dishonesty include but are not limited to the following: cheating; plagiarism; fabricating data or citations; stealing examinations; using instructor editions of textbooks without authorization; copying and pasting discussion posts or other work without proper citation; having another student or non-student do part of all of a project or exam, take an entire course, or submit the work of an entire Course Guide as though he or she were the student; facilitating another student’s act of academic dishonesty, i.e., doing a project, taking an exam, or taking an entire course for another student; using technology to disseminate exam questions and answers; tampering with the academic work of another student; and resubmitting work completed in another course (with the exception of compiling previous coursework, if approved, into a Directed Research Project).
All students must sign an Honor Pledge upon admission to the University to confirm that they have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy. Please see the Student Handbook, available online at for the full text of the Academic Integrity Policy, including procedures and possible consequences associated with a violation.