2016-2017 Catalog

Strayer University Alumni

At Strayer University, we share the excitement and sense of pride that our students have when they walk across the stage at commencement. That short walk represents years of hard work, dedication, effort and expense. The University has created an Alumni Program to foster and support a network that connects alumni to one another and to the University. The benefits and services of the Alumni Program are available to degree holding graduates of Strayer University.

Graduates can access alumni information via the website at http://alumni.strayer.edu . By creating an account, a graduate will have access to links and information on: the Alumni Directory, alumni chapter meetings, alumni awards, networking and community events, career services, and class notes. There are no dues or fees associated with the Alumni Program.

In addition to the online resources, on ground Alumni Chapters have begun in many locations. The University supports these Chapters as they promote alumni opportunities for networking, lifelong learning, and community service involvement. Alumni Chapter information is available at http://alumni.strayer.edu.

Strayer University Alumni represent the true essence of Strayer University. The University proudly supports an Alumni Program and welcomes all graduates to join!