2016-2017 Catalog

Associate in Arts in Acquisition and Contract Management

The Associate in Arts in Acquisition and Contract Management program is designed to provide current and relevant knowledge of contract management principles and policies. The program prepares students for careers in contract management positions in the corporate world and government agencies.

Graduates of this program may be able to apply all credits earned toward a Bachelor of Business Administration.

Also available: a Bachelors of Business Administration with a concentration in Acquisition and Contract Management and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Acquisition.


Area I-Core Component

ACC 100Accounting I

BUS 100Introduction to Business

Total Credit Hours:9.0

Area II-Major Component

BUS 319Principles of Federal Acquisition and Contract Management

BUS 330Contract Administration and Management

Total Credit Hours:9.0

Area III-General Education Component

CIS 105Introduction to Information Systems

ENG 115English Composition

ENG 215Research and Writing

ENG 315Professional Communications

HUM 111World Cultures I

HUM 112World Cultures II

MAT 104Algebra with Applications

HIS 105American History after 1865


POL 110U.S. Government

PHI 210Critical Thinking

PSY 100Psychology of Adjustment


PSY 105Introduction to Psychology

REL 212World Religions

SCI 110Introduction to Physical Science


SCI 115Introduction to Biology

SOC 100Introduction to Sociology

SOC 300Sociology of Developing Countries

Total Credit Hours:63.0

Area IV-Elective Component

These courses are selected in consultation with the Academic Advisor.

Total Credit Hours:9.0

All courses are 4.5 quarter hour credits each.

Total Credit Hours: 90.0