2017-2018 Catalog

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Students may submit Advance Placement (AP) exam scores for evaluation for undergraduate college credit in a degree program. AP credit does not fulfill residency requirements. AP exams are given an overall grade of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, with 5 indicating a student who is extremely well qualified to receive college credit and/or advanced placement based on an AP exam grades. Strayer University does not accept any score lower than 3 for academic credit. Students seeking college credit for AP exams should refer to the Advanced Placement (AP) Equivalency Chart located at www.strayer.edu.

Students may request scores be sent to Strayer University directly from the College Board’s website:  https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/takingtheexam/score-reporting-services.

To have scores sent to Strayer University, students should use school code: 5632.