2018-2019 Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program provides students with the skills, knowledge, and proficiency to support, troubleshoot, and design key elements of the Information Technology infrastructure — from websites to networks — in organizations ranging from business and government to health care, and many more.

Students will be exposed to the essential skills needed to support the tactical technical operations of today’s global companies, as well as the insight and critical thinking required to analyze and effectively deploy forward-looking technologies.

Graduates from the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology possess a strong combination of technical skills, knowledge, and practical, hands-on expertise to support an organization’s technology infrastructure and the people who use it.

Students are expected to demonstrate computer and critical thinking skills in order to succeed in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program. Courses within the major component of the curriculum are overarching by design and will prepare students for success.

This program applies the use of technologies and practices employed by numerous and diverse global organizations with emphasis on networking, security, programming and technology infrastructure.

Also available: a Master of Science in Information Systems and Associate in Arts in Information Technology.

Within this curriculum, students have the option of choosing a concentration in:

  • Cyber Security Technology
  • Database Technology
  • Digital Forensics Technology
  • Enterprise Security Technology
  • Internetworking Technology
  • Mobile Programming Technology*
  • Networking Technology
  • Programming Technology
  • Web Development Technology

Students enrolled in this program in Arkansas must follow the program requirements in the catalog section applicable to Arkansas. This program is not available at the New Jersey, North Carolina or Pennsylvania campuses and is available in an online-only format to New Jersey, North Carolina and Pennsylvania students.

*Mobile Programming Technology: This concentration is not available in Alabama. See www.strayer.edu for the latest information regarding program availability. This concentration is available online only in Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.


Area I-Core Component

ACC 100Accounting I

BUS 100Introduction to Business

CIS 106Introduction to Information Technology

CIS 110Computer Programming Design

COM 101Effective Communication Skills

ENG 115English Composition

MAT 104Algebra with Applications

Total Credit Hours:31.5

Area II-Major Core Component

CIS 111Introduction to Relational Database Management Systems

CIS 175Introduction to Networking

CIS 210Systems Analysis and Development

CIS 273Web Design and Development

CIS 312Computer Architecture

CIS 333Networking Security Fundamentals

CIS 337Internetworking Basics


CIS 255Operating Systems

CIS 375Human-Computer Interaction

MAT 200Precalculus

CIS 498Information Technology Capstone

Total Credit Hours:45.0

Area II-Concentration Component

Students must choose one of the Area II Concentration Components listed to complete the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Area III-General Education Component

COM 201The Power of Effective Speaking

ENG 215Research and Writing

ENG 316Technical Writing (Required for IT or IS)

HIS 104American History to 1865


HIS 105American History after 1865


POL 110U.S. Government

HUM 111World Cultures I


HUM 112World Cultures II

MAT 311Discrete Math

PHI 210Critical Thinking

PSY 105Introduction to Psychology


PSY 115Psychology of Success

SCI 110Introduction to Physical Science


SCI 115Introduction to Biology


SCI 200Environmental Science

SOC 100Introduction to Sociology

SOC 450Solutions to Global Issues

Total Credit Hours:49.5

Area IV-Elective Component

These courses are selected in consultation with the Campus Dean or Associate Campus Dean, or Success Coach; within this component it is possible for students to develop a minor in a second area of study (see "Minors").

Total Credit Hours:40.5

Minimum Total Quarter Hours Required for Graduation 180.0

All courses are 4.5 quarter credit hours.

Total Credit Hours: 180.0

Area II Concentration Requirements

Cyber Security Technology Concentration

CIS 332Network Server Administration I

SEC 420Perimeter Defense Techniques

SEC 435Network Penetration Testing

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Database Technology Concentration

CIS 276SQL Programming

CIS 424Database Administration I

CIS 428Database Administration II

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Digital Forensics Technology Concentration

CIS 332Network Server Administration I

SEC 340Computer Forensic Technology

SEC 435Network Penetration Testing

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Enterprise Security Technology Concentration

CIS 332Network Server Administration I

SEC 420Perimeter Defense Techniques

SEC 459Disaster Recovery and Virtualization

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Internetworking Technology Concentration

CIS 411Advanced Routing

CIS 413Internetworking Switching

CIS 436Internetworking Troubleshooting

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Networking Technology Concentration

CIS 332Network Server Administration I

CIS 401Network Server Administration II

CIS 409Network Services Infrastructure

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Mobile Programming Technology Concentration*

CIS 406JAVA Programming I

CIS 431Mobile Programming I

CIS 432Mobile Programming II

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Programming Technology Concentration

CIS 276SQL Programming

CIS 242C++ Programming I


CIS 406JAVA Programming I

CIS 328C++ Programming II


CIS 407JAVA Programming II

Total Credit Hours:13.5

Web Development Technology Concentration

CIS 276SQL Programming

CIS 307Web Page Development I

CIS 309Web Page Development II

Total Credit Hours:13.5

All courses are 4.5 quarter credit hours.

Total Credit Hours: 180.0

+Course and certification availability subject to change. Some courses may require prerequisites first be satisfied through completion of the course at Strayer University, transfer credit or review of previous certifications earned. Contact your Campus Dean, Associate Campus Dean, Dean of Advising, or Success Coach for additional information.