Student Handbook

Suspension or Expulsion for Harassment or Violence

Any campus leader may immediately remove a student from a Strayer University campus if the student is a threat to Strayer University property, or to any person on University premises or through Strayer University online. Furthermore, Assistant Vice Provost, Student Affairs or designee, in consultation with the Legal Department, may immediately suspend or expel a student if the student poses a direct threat to the health and safety of any other person on University premises or through Strayer University online, or to Strayer University property. The University will conduct an individualized assessment based on the best available objective evidence to determine if the student poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others. Such determination will include consideration of the following factors:  the nature, duration, and severity of the risk; the likelihood that injury will actually occur; whether reasonable modifications of University policies, practices or procedures will sufficiently mitigate the risk to permit the student to safely continue matriculation at a campus or online; the University’s obligation to avoid exposing others to significant health and safety risks; whether the student has a disability and, if so, whether the conduct is related to the disability and an accommodation can be provided to sufficiently mitigate the risk to others.  A determination to suspend or expel a student may occur if the student exhibits behavior, including, but not limited to, disruptive or disorderly conduct, harassment, repeated contact with faculty or staff concerning a pending response from the University or a response previously provided by the University, threats of physical harm to individuals, damage or threats to damage any property, or any other violent or serious behavioral problems.

A student who is suspended or expelled from a campus or Strayer University online under this policy may submit a written appeal to the Office of Student Affairs within ten (10) business days of the decision. Assistant Vice Provost, Student Affairs or designee will forward the appeal to the Disciplinary Committee, who will schedule a disciplinary hearing via teleconference, giving the student reasonable time to prepare for the hearing. A decision on appeal may include re-admission of the student on campus on the condition that the student submits documentation that s/he has been in a course of treatment with a licensed mental health provider and that the mental health provider believes that the student is no longer a danger or threat to any person.  The student may be requested to grant the University permission to communicate directly with the mental health provider.  The decision of the Disciplinary Committee is final.