Student Handbook


Strayer University Student Handbook and Code of Student Conduct – Florida Addendum

Consistent with Florida Law (s. 553.865 F.S., et seq.), a student who willfully enters, for a purpose other than those allowed by Florida law, a restroom designated for the opposite sex on the premises of Strayer University, and refuses to depart when asked to do so by any administrative personnel, faculty member, security personnel, or law enforcement personnel, shall have violated the Strayer University Code of Student Conduct, particularly Section 6(c), and shall be subject to the Strayer University Disciplinary Procedures.

Florida law requires that any postsecondary education institution that maintains restroom facilities must have, at a minimum, (1) a restroom designated for exclusive use by females and a restroom designated for exclusive use by males, or (2) a unisex restroom. Students are hereby notified that they have the right to file a complaint with the Florida Attorney General alleging that a covered postsecondary education institution has failed to meet the minimum requirements for restrooms under s. 553.865(4), F.S.