2018-2019 Catalog

Graduate Certificate, Finance and Accounting for Entrepreneurs*

Students in this certificate program will gain a familiarity with the U.S. and global economy and the impact that it has on digital business. They will develop skills to be able to read statements and reports critical to running a digital business. Students will also learn strategies for growing and expanding a digital business including how to raise capital and financial options to support development.

*Prior to enrolling in the Graduate Certificate in Finance and Accounting for Entrepreneurs, students must have completed either MAT 510 or MAT 540, the prerequisite for ECO 550. Students may also satisfy this requirement with transfer credit.

This certificate is only available in an online format.


Required Courses

ACC 556Financial Accounting for Managers: Understanding Capital Raising Options for Digital Companies

ECO 550Managerial Economics and Globalization: The Impact of the U.S. and Global Economy on Your Digital Business

FIN 534Financial Management: From Wall Street to Board Room

Total Credit Hours:13.5

All courses are 4.5 quarter credit hours.

Note: Prior to enrolling the Graduate Certificate in Finance and Accounting for Entrepreneurs, students must have completed either MAT 510 or MAT 540, the prerequisite for ECO 550. Students may also satisfy this requirement with transfer credit.