Student Handbook

Acts of Intellectual Dishonesty

  1. The University has determined the following acts to be intellectually dishonest; these acts include but are not limited to:
    1. Cheating;
    2. Plagiarism;
    3. Fabricating data or citations;
    4. Stealing examinations;
    5. Using instructor editions of textbooks without authorization;
    6. Copying and pasting discussion posts or other work without proper citation;
    7. Having another student or non-student perform some or all of a project, take some or all of an exam, take an entire course or submit any work assigned in a course as though he or she were the student;
    8. Facilitating another student’s act of academic dishonesty, i.e., performing a project or taking an exam;
    9. Using technology or other means to disseminate exam questions and answers;
    10. Tampering with the academic work of another student; and
    11. Resubmitting work completed in another course (with the exception of compiling previous coursework, if approved, into a Directed Research Project).
    12. The University reserves the right to review any assignment or exam submitted by a student during his or her entire academic career at Strayer for the purposes of this policy.

Consequences of Academic Integrity Violations

  1. Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy will be evaluated based on several factors, including the following:
    1. Whether the student is a first-time offender or a repeat offender;
    2. Whether the violation was intentional or due to carelessness or a lack of knowledge;
    3. Whether the student acknowledges the failure when presented with overwhelming evidence;
    4. Whether the failure occurs early or late in the student’s academic program;
    5. Whether the failure involves a minor assignment or a major endeavor toward a degree, such as the Directed Research Project for graduate students; and
    6. Whether the failure has a major impact on the learning environment at the University.
  2. The Academic Integrity Committee, through the review process, may ascertain that the matter under review or the student’s record of failure merits the full consequences of academic failure, including administrative course failure, suspension, expulsion, and/or revocation of a degree awarded.
  3. Should the Academic Integrity Committee conclude that a student who is also an employee of Strayer University failed to conform to the standards established in its Academic Integrity Policy, then said employee will also face corrective action in accordance with the Strayer University Employee Handbook, including possible termination of employment.