Student Handbook

Procedures for Reporting Academic Integrity Violations

Strayer University does not tolerate intellectual dishonesty, whether intentional or unintentional. The Office of the President receives, investigates, and tracks all incidents of intellectual dishonesty. Violations or suspected violations of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy may be reported by students, faculty, or any member of the University community, including incidents brought to their attention by any outside parties. Students may report violations by e-mail to, through iCampus, or by contacting any member of the Strayer University faculty or staff. An instructor or administrator must corroborate evidence that a student provides of another student’s violation, including, if practical for the subject matter of the offense, any written statements by any persons deemed relevant by the alledgedly violating student. When an instructor discovers an academic integrity violation through review of a student’s submitted work, the instructor will carefully document and/or collect evidence of the violation. If a student is accused of violating the Academic Integrity Policy, then any consequences will apply in accordance with the procedures outlined below.

In order to preserve the integrity of Strayer’s grading and to ensure that the grades reflected on a student’s transcript are accurate, the University will not honor any requests for the official or unofficial transcripts of a student until the conclusion of the Academic Integrity proceedings. Should a student appeal any of the consequences herein, transcripts will not be released until the final conclusion of the appeals process. If the final disposition involves a change to a final grade, transcripts will be released after a reasonable period of time to adjust the student’s grade accordingly.