Student Handbook

Code of Student Conduct

Strayer University expects its students to conduct themselves as business professionals as they progress toward their goals of academic achievement and career success. Strayer University also expects its students to act responsibly in all areas of personal conduct when on University premises and to take full responsibility for their actions. Generally, Strayer University limits disciplinary action to conduct which adversely affects the University community’s pursuit of its educational objectives. Conduct subject to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Dishonesty
    1. All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, forgery, knowingly furnishing false information to the University, and alteration and/or use of University documents, financial instruments, or identification cards with intent to defraud.
    2. Violation of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
  2. Unprofessional Conduct
    1. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other University activities conducted by a Strayer official.
    2. Disrespect of or insubordination to University personnel.
    3. Use of oral or written profanity.
    4. Physical and/or psychological abuse or the threat of such abuse of any person on University premises or at University activities. This includes “hazing,” which is defined as initiation or discipline of fellow students by means of horseplay, practical jokes, and tricks, often in the nature of humiliating or painful ordeals.
    5. Sexual harassment of other students, faculty, or staff.
    6. Breach of the peace on any Strayer University premises.
    7. Repeatedly contacting faculty and/or staff when the person contacted has indicated that a response is pending or a response has been provided and the faculty or staff member requests not to be further contacted.
  3. Misuse of University Property
    1. Unauthorized use of, damage to, theft or seizure of any property or facilities of the University, or emergency equipment located within the boundary of University premises, or threat to do so, or refusal to depart from any property or facilities of the University upon direction by University officials or other persons authorized to represent the University.
    2. Littering, defacing, destroying, or damaging property of the University or property under its jurisdiction.
    3. Unauthorized entry into, presence in, or use of any University building or facility.
    4. Violation of the University computer use policy.
    5. Violation of the University’s policy on solicitation and sales.
    6. Improper use of library materials, including damage to materials and failure to return materials when due. This may include misuse, damage or failure to return materials used by a student for his or her disability accommodation plan.
  4. Alcohol and Drug Violations
    1. Use of alcoholic beverages, including the purchase, consumption, possession, or sale of such items, except where specifically authorized in the policies and guidelines of the University.
    2. Possession, use, sale, or distribution of any type of drugs for illegal purposes.
    3. Appearing at any Strayer University premises while intoxicated or while under the influence of an illegal substance.
    4. Violation of the University policy pertaining to smoking.
  5. Criminal Activity and Violent or Dangerous Behavior
    1. Violation of any local, state, or federal law.
    2. Subject to the Security Policy, possession on University property or at any University activity of weapons, such as knives, firearms, or any dangerous chemical or explosive elements or their component parts.
    3. Physical detainment or restraint of another person or the removal of such person from any place where he or she is authorized to remain or to in any way obstruct the free movement of persons or vehicles on University premises or at University activities.
    4. Threatening of any member of the Strayer University community.
    5. Violation of University fire policies, e.g., tampering with fire protection apparatus or failure to comply with emergency evacuation procedures.
    6. Gambling or holding of a raffle or lottery on University premises.
    7. Participation in unauthorized and/or disorderly assembly or incitement of a riot.
  6. Other Violations
    1. Violation of any other University rule or policy not contained in official University publications but announced as administrative edict by a University official or other person authorized by the President.
    2. Willful encouragement of others to commit any of the acts herein prohibited.