Student Handbook

Consequences for Academic Integrity Violations

Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy will be evaluated based on several factors, including the following:

  • Whether the student is a first-time offender or a repeat offender;
  • Whether the violation was intentional or due to carelessness or a lack of knowledge;
  • Whether the student acknowledges the failure when presented with overwhelming evidence;
  • Whether the failure occurs early or late in the student’s academic program;
  • Whether the failure involves a minor assignment or a major endeavor toward a degree, such as the Directed Research Project for graduate students; and
  • Whether the failure has a major impact on the learning environment at the University.

The Academic Integrity Committee, through the review process, may ascertain that the matter under review or the student’s record of failure merits the full consequences of academic failure, including administrative course failure, suspension, expulsion, and/or revocation of a degree awarded. Should the Academic Integrity Committee conclude that a student who is also an employee of Strayer University failed to conform to the standards established in its Academic Integrity Policy, then said employee will also face corrective action in accordance with the Strayer University Employee Handbook, including possible termination of employment.

Sanctions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Written warning – Upon making a reasonable determination that a student unintentionally violated the academic integrity policy, the instructor or other personnel within the Office of the President may issue a written warning to the student. The warning shall include a description of the violation and the corrective action needed to prevent further violations. The Office of the President will maintain a copy of the warning in the student’s file for future reference. The student may resubmit the assignment for 80% credit up to fifteen (15) days following receipt of the written warning.
  • Written Admonition and Assignment Grade Reduction – Upon making a reasonable determination that a student intentionally violated the academic integrity policy, the University President's designee may issue a written admonition to the student. The written admonition shall include a description of the violation and the corrective action needed to prevent further violations . The University President's designee will maintain a copy of the written admonition in the student’s file for future reference. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the student may: (a) have an opportunity to resubmit the assignment for half credit up to fifteen (15) days after receipt of the written admonition; (b) receive a zero grade on the assignment; or (c) receive an administrative failing grade for the course.
  • Referral to the Academic Integrity Committee for Suspension, Expulsion, or Revocation of an Awarded Degree – If the University President's designee makes a reasonable determination that a failure to satisfy the requirements of the academic integrity policy warrants additional consequences, then the University President's designee may refer the matter to the Academic Integrity Committee for determination of the appropriate consequence. Upon making a referral to the Committee, the University President's designee will promptly notify the student. The student may submit a statement to the Committee within fifteen (15) days after receiving notice of the referral. The Committee may at its discretion review the evidence of the violation. It is not required to do so. If the Committee determines that additional consequences are appropriate, then the Committee may: (a) suspend the student from the University for up to one (1) calendar year; (b) permanently expel the student from the University; and/or (c) revoke any or all degrees awarded to the student from the University. The Committee may also administer any grade reduction described above. It is anticipated that the student should receive notice of the Committee’s decision within thirty (30) days of the referral. The University President's designee will note the Committee’s decision in the student’s file.    
  • Should the Academic Integrity Committee conclude that an Honor Student has committed an academic integrity violation deemed intentional, they will no longer be eligible for the Honors Program; however, past honors designations will not be revoked.  If an academic integrity violation deemed as intentional occurs in an honors course, the student will not receive honors designation for that course (in addition to no longer being eligible for honors).  Any appeals from Honors students will follow the appeal process.

Once the University President's designee initiates proceedings, a student subject to those proceedings is permitted to enroll for subsequent quarters while the case is pending. The Committee may administer suspension or expulsion, which may in some cases be upheld on appeal. Once such a sanction is upheld, the student’s suspension or expulsion will be effective immediately, and the student will be financially responsible for all related tuition charges and other fees incurred consistent with Strayer policy on institutional charges and refunds during the quarter of enrollment in which the final determination is made. The Committee will strive to conclude its proceedings before the start of the next academic quarter, but this may not be possible in all cases. As a result, it is the student’s sole responsibility to determine whether to re-enroll in a new quarter knowing that, while the Committee’s proceedings are pending, suspension or expulsion from the University is a possible outcome.